Langkawi Black Sands Beach (Pantai Pasir Hitam)

Pantai Pasir Hitam (or Black Sand Beach) is a beach located at the north end side of Langkawi, known for its black colored sands. Although the black sands have been slowly washed over by the sea waters over the years, there are still some left over on the shore. The color was apparently the effect of the presence of some minerals in the soil.

Langkawi: Scenes from Dayang Bunting Island

The scenic and tranquil Dayang Bunting Island and its mythical lake. Known as Pulau Dayang Bunting (or Pregnant Maiden Island), the island near the south of Langkawi, is well known for its pristine freshwater lake at the center of the island, surrounded by lush hills. The lake is also known as Lake Guillemard and has a local legend involving a tale of a princess.